A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart!

~Veggie Tales

Recently, a friend confided that she was anxious about money.  Most upsetting for her was the fact that her stress was sending a message to her husband that he wasn't providing well for their family.   My friend knew she had to let go of the anxiety but was having a hard time of it. I shared with her that when I'm stressed I turn to what I call my Litany of Thanksgiving.  I think of things I'm thankful to God for; from the most basic, food on our table, to my most important gifts, my family.  Even little things, like a cup of tea or a nap! Once I start my Litany, it's not long before the stress begins to melt away and gratitude fills my heart.   As I typed this, I pondered what today's Litany would be.  I thought of my family, and in particular my precious grandson, Caleb, who on April 28th will celebrate his first birthday!  Caleb's birthday has an extra note of thankfulness to it. Shortly after his birth we discovered he had a restriction in his aorta that would require surgery.  When Caleb was just eight days old he had to undergo the operation.  Thanks be to God, Caleb's recovery was swift and complete. On April 28th we will celebrate his life with thankful, happy hearts!

Peace and Joy, Nancy