Mommy Has You!

"There, there, don't worry Mommy has you. You're going to be fine. Mommy has you." These are the words of comfort I repeated over and over to my Ruthie as I held her, stroking her hair. Ruthie had awoken from a nightmare, crying and fearful. I knew from my 28+ years of mothering that she just needed the reassurance of my love and presence and soon she would calm down and drift back to sleep.

These comforting words came to mind recently when my oldest daughter Sarah asked me to pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe for her new baby.  I remembered, that in my stack of holy cards on my kitchen window sill, I had a small Our Lady of Guadalupe card.  I thought I would dig it out and see if there was a prayer on the back that I could pray for my "granddaughter" (it's a girl!). On the back of the card are the actual words Our Lady spoke to Juan Diego, and they are as follows...



"Do not be troubled or weighted down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain.  Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?"

These are the true and comforting words of Our Mother who wants us to know that we are not alone! It is her way of saying, "There, there, don't worry Mommy has you. You're going to be fine. Mommy has you."

Peace and joy,


P.S.~ Incase you are not familiar with this title of Our Lady and the Apparition in which she made herself known to us,  here is a very brief summary of the event...

Juan Diego was an Aztec Indian.  The year was 1591, and Juan was on his way by foot to mass when Our Lady first appeared to him. This beautiful woman dressed as an Aztec princess, told Juan that she was "the Ever Virgin Mother of the True God".  She then made known her desire that a Shrine be built on  Mount Tepeyac, where she appeared, to bear witness to her love, her compassion and her protection. She sent Juan Diego to Bishop Juan de Zumarraga in Mexico City to request her great desire.

The Bishop dismissed Juan Diego when he brought Our Lady's request. Two more times Our Lady appeared to Juan, requesting him to deliver the same favor. He did as she asked and finally the Bishop asked for a sign.  Juan reported the bishop's request to Our Lady and she promised to grant a sign the following morning.

That night Juan returned home to find his uncle deathly ill.  The next morning, fearing his uncles death, Juan decided to go for the priest  instead of going to meet Our Lady.  Mary appeared to him on his journey anyway and told him not to fear for his uncle had recovered. She then asked him to gather fresh roses which he would find growing on the frosty summit of the rocky and barren hill. Juan collects the roses and returns to Our Lady. She arranged the castilian roses in his tilma (cloak) and hurried him to the Bishop, telling him to give an account of their origin.

To the Bishop's amazement, when Juan opened up his tilma, the roses tumbled to the floor and there on his tilma was a beautiful image of Our Lady exactly as she had appeared on Mount Tepeyac. The Bishop prostrated himself in veneration and soon after, began the building of the Shrine on the top of Mount Tepeyac. This miraculous image of Our Lady still exists to this day.