True Perfection

I was just about ready to tackle the much over due job of organizing my work desk and I thought I would take a "before" picture for all of you.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Due to the fact that we tend to write about the good and happy in a blog I thought this picture would help alleviate any ideas that "Nancy has it all together!" 11 kids! You must be so organized and patient!" they say. Of course, none of this is true and it's a good thing I didn't know about the "organized and patient" prerequisites for a big family, so I plead ignorance! In my younger days I was impressed with organized people.  You walk into their homes and you could eat off their floor! Not a shoe or hair brush in sight.  If only I could be like them. They have it all together!   Now I  am older and wiser (okay just older!) and I know that having it "all together" is an illusion. Life is messy for everybody and life with a big family is just messier! Organized people have pain and suffering like the rest of us. Having it all together is not the goal of life.  I now look at the cracked counter, piles of laundry, stains on the cushion and a sink full of dirty dishes as reminders that perfection is not for this life but the next.  Heaven is our true home. Mother Teresa of Calcutta tells us that;


“God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful."

So leave behind the illusion of "having it all together" and choose to... walk by faith, not by sight (2 cor. 5:7) toward the only True Perfection, Heaven!

Now do I have to clean my desk?  It's only going to get messy again....

Peace and joy,
